Facebook NNBA approved vendor

Reading Our Item Codes

Our paper catalog is divided into groups, each representing the products of a particular kiln.  These are grouped according to their series code and the line name.

Code Numbers:

Each item is identified by an 11 digit code number

For example: Item Number 6103-2920-RBR


Many of our products are sold as sets. If the item is sold as a set then

For Example: Item 6107-S4AD-RBR

S4AD means it is a set of 4, sizes from A thru D.
(Individual dimensions are listed in our catalog)

Please remember that items priced as a set are sold as a set. We cannot separate individual pieces from a set at wholesale prices. When you put these sets out for sale you will most likely want to break down the set into individual pots.

For your convenience we have included a table for calculating retail pricing on individual pots. This is intended as a guide only, many people successfully break down prices by estimating or eyeballing perceived value.

Multiply the cost of a set by the ratio of each individual pot in the set as shown in each box of the table.

  1st (Large) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th (Small)
Set of 2 .60 .40        
Set of 3 .50 .35 .15      
Set of 4 .43 .29 .20 .08    
Set of 5 .40 .25 .20 .10 .05  
Set of 6 .32 .23 .20 .13 .07 .05

For example if a set of 4 costs $70.00 the largest (the 1st in the set) would be $70.00 x .43 = $30.10. The smallest (the 4th in the set) would be $70.00 x .08 = $5.60.

To get a copy of our paper catalog, please contact us. Note that as we are wholesale only, we will require new customers to register. Please also refer to our online catalog, which has many more items than the paper catalog ever could, including our newest offerings.

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all images © copyright 2008-2014 Aw Pottery NW unless noted otherwise