Facebook NNBA approved vendor

Designer Showcase

We showcase some Landscape Architects and Designers and the outstanding merger of pottery and plant life which they create with our products.

Designs by deLeuw
Lori deLeuw, Owner and Designer
Tel: 425-478-5677 (Bothell, WA)

Le Jardinet
Karen Chapman CPH
Tel: 425-765-3574 (Kirkland, WA)

Garden Dreams Design
Creating versatile gardens to fit your needs, lifestyle and personality.
Tami Ott-Ostberg, Owner
Tel: 206-356-7429 (Lake Forest Park, WA)

Evans Creek
Professional Landscape Services
Tel: 425-836-4643 (Sammamish, WA)

Falling Water Designs
Balance in your life, through beauty in your garden.
Tel: 206-323-2873 (Seattle, WA)

Seasonal Color Pots LLC
Beauty in Small Spaces
Toni Cross, Certified Professional Horticulturist
Tel: 206-781-1060 (Seattle, WA)

The Interior Foliage Company
President-Owner: Eric A. Mildeberger
Tel: 206 236-7411 (Mercer Island, WA)

Sublime Garden Design, L.L.C.
Owner: Heidi Skievaski
Tel: 360 863-3224 (Snohomish, WA)

Dandelion Gardens
Owner: Cathy Johnson
Tel: 360 455-9164 (Olympia, WA)

Photos on this page are © copyrighted by the designers who took them and are used by us with their permission. All rights reserved by their owners.

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all images © copyright 2008-2014 Aw Pottery NW unless noted otherwise